Welcome to Introduction to Scientific Communications

Use this blog as a way to keep up on what's due in class this week, and to find helpful hints for science writing. You'll be able to find an updated syllabus and a link to the New York Times Science section.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Science in the News Thursday Jan. 21

Today your assignments on science writing are due via box
Latecomers can have until midnight

We will also look at the process by which a scientific lab becomes science news. Here's how a paper on monkeys became a UW-Madison news release. From there, it was picked up by a variety of news outlets, ranging from a newspaper, the Guardian, a science web site, Wired Science, and a general science magazine, Science News.

Let's look at the New York Times Science section and see if we can figure out where the stories originated.

This story on bar-headed geese originated as a paper in the journal Science. And this piece on random causes of cancer was originally a paper in Science, but this is more of a "second look" article that tries to explain some of the backlash.